Angel Gabriel brought Allah’s words
to the Prophet Muhammad
and therefore we call Gabriel the Messenger Angel. There are many other angels and we can read about them in the Quran.
Each of us has two angels who accompany
him. These angels take note of everything we do. They write down our good deeds and our bad deeds. We call these angels the
Writing Angels. There are other angels, too. For example, there is an angel who helps people when they die. This angel brings
death, so we call him the Angel of Death.
We cannot see the angels because they
are made of things which our eyes cannot see. But all the same, we know that they are there, because Allah has told us so.
Sometimes, we can even feel the presence of these angels.
Angels are created by Allah, just as man
and everything else has been created by Him. Angels obey Allah and are His servants. They perform many tasks and keep the
world in being by obeying Allah’s commands.
We know that when the sun rises and sets,
when the clouds move in the sky, when the raindrops fall, when the plants grow and many other things happen in nature, it
is Allah Who has crated them and Allah Who sustains them. Nothing can happen without Allah’s will. In the same way,
Allah created the angels who obey Him. They carry out His will, and take great care that everything goes according to Allah’s
will. They are the obedient servants of Allah.
Allah wanted man to obey Him, to pray
to Him and to do good. He wanted man to know about Allah. That is why the Angel Gabriel was sent by Allah. The Angel Gabriel
told Muhammad what Allah wanted man to do. This was Gabriel’s task. Through the Angel Gabriel, Allah had spoken to many
prophets before Muhammad
, so that man would remember and not forget what Allah wants him to do. We can read about this in the Quran. Here there are
the stories of Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa (Alaih Salwat Ajmaeen) and many other prophets. All of them have said to man: