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The Ideological Attack - part 2


al-`Allamah Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez bin ‘Abdullaah bin Baaz hafidhahullaah



Question: What in your opinion is the definition of the Ideological Attack (al-ghazwa al-fikree)? [From Majmoo Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwiah (3/438-446)]

Answer: The term, "The Ideological Attack" is a modern term, which refers to a set of efforts, undertaken by a particular nation, in order to conquer or influence another nation, such that [the attacked nation] is steered in a particular course of direction because of it.

It is far more serious than military warfare, since it aims at secrecy, seeking to achieve subtle objectives initially; so that the attacked nation does not perceive it, nor prepares to halt it, nor stand in its way - thereby falling victim to it. The eventual result of this onslaught is that this nation becomes diseased in its thoughts and its senses; loving what the enemy wants it to love and hating what they want it to hate. It is a chronic disease, which attacks nations, doing away with its characteristics, removing its foundations and strength. The nation, which is struck by it, does not even feel what has hit it, or what it even is! That is why curing it becomes somewhat difficult, and making [the attacked nation] understand the ways of righteousness becomes a struggle.

This war takes place by means of school curriculums, general education, media, small and large size publications, and other such channels. Through this the enemy hopes to deviate the nation from its beliefs, becoming attached to what the enemy throws at it. We ask Allâh for safety and protection from this.


Question: Are the Arabs generally subjected to this type of warfare, in particular the kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Answer: Yes, the Muslims in general, including the Arabs, the kingdom, and other than them, are all subject to a great ideological attack from the various nations of unbelief (kufr); from both the east and the west. The severest and most serious of these [ideological] attacks are:-

* The attack of the christian crusaders.
* The zionist attack.
* The communist and atheistic attack.

The attack of the christian crusaders is today at its most intense. Since Salaahud-Deen al-Ayyoobee achieved victory over the christians crusading in the Muslim lands, with their strength and weapons, the christians realized that even though they had achieved [some] victories, nevertheless these victories were temporary ones that did not last. That is why they started thinking about the most destructive alternatives. After numerous case studies and assemblies they arrived at [something] that was far more dangerous and destructive than military warfare; which was that the christian nations, both individually and collectively, should launch an ideological attack on those Muslims who were just beginning to grow and develop. This is because conquering the hearts and thoughts of a people is far more permanent than conquering their lands! The Muslim whose mind has not been corrupted cannot bear to see the unbelievers wielding authority, and ordering and prohibiting in his own country. Therefore such a Muslim strives his utmost to expel and distance them - even if he has to sacrifice his own life, or his most cherished possession for this cause; and this is what happened after the major conquest of the crusaders.

As for the Muslim who is exposed to this filthy attack, he becomes ill in thought and desensitized to this disease; he may not even see any danger with the presence of christians in the lands of the Muslims. Indeed, he may even think that their presence is a source of goodness, which aids and advances civilization.

So the christians have sufficed themselves with this ideological attack, as opposed to the military one, because it is more effective and more permanent. What need do they have of deploying troops or spending huge sums of money, when there exists amongst the children of the Muslims those who can actually fulfill their wishes, intentionally or unintentionally, with a price or without one! This is why they do not resort to openly fighting the Muslims with weapons and arms, except in rare cases when necessity dictates this. They resort to this in situations where speed is sought; such as what happened in Uganda and Pakistan. Or when there is a need to stabilize the advancement, or establish centers, or to establish bases, which engage in destructive ideological warfare; such as what happened in Egypt, Syria, Iraaq, and other countries, before their expulsion.


The zionist war is just the same. The jews strive their utmost to corrupt the beliefs, morals and manners of the Muslims. The jews scheme and crave after possessing the Muslim lands, as well as the lands of others. They have fulfilled some of their plans and continue striving hard to implement the rest of them. Even though they do engage the Muslims in warfare involving strength and arms and have occupied some of their lands, they also fight them by spreading destructive thoughts, beliefs and ideologies; such as Freemasonry, Qadiaanisim, Bahaaism, Teejaanism and others - seeking the support of the christians and others, in order to fulfill their objectives [Please Read Note 7].

As for the communist/atheist war, then presently it is spreading like wildfire across the Muslim lands. [This certainly was the case at the time these questions were posed to the Shaykh, fifteen years ago in 1404H] This happens as a consequence of there being a void, weakness of faith in many people, wide spread ignorance and the lack of a correct and sound [Islâmic] cultivation. The communist parties from Russia and China, as well as others, have managed to ensnare every spiteful, malicious person; driven by those weak in faith or having no faith at all! They selected these types of people as being their puppets and plants in that country, spreading through them their vile ideology of atheism and communism.

They lured these puppets with promises of high positions of power and status. Through them they tore apart the Muslim ummah since they were made [to act as] the troops of Satan.

They were aided in this by the christians and the jews, who sometimes assisted in their preparation, whilst at other times they offered other forms of aid and support. Thus, even though they do have differences between them, yet they become a single hand against the Muslims. They view the Muslims as their worst enemy, that is why we see them co-operating with each other as allies against the Muslims. So it is Allâh's aid that is sought; He suffices us and is the best of guardians.


Question: What are the means, which the west uses in order to spread their ideas and thoughts?

Answer: The means that the west employs in order to spread their thoughts and ideas are many; they include:

1- They attempt to conquer the minds of the Muslim children. They do this by infusing in them western values and concepts, so that they believe that the best way to adopt in any matter is that of the west - whether it is with regards to what religion or sect they believe, or with regards to the languages that they speak, or the manners, customs and values with which they adorn themselves.

2 - Custody of a large group of the children of the Muslims in every country, concern for them and bringing them up, such that when they have absorbed western thoughts, they return to their countries with a halo of praise and respect. They then acquire position and authority in their countries, by which they begin to circulate the western ideologies, establishing learning centers that conform to western curricula, or are at least directly influenced by them.

3 - Their active drive towards promoting the learning of western languages in the Muslim lands, making them compete with the Muslims' languages, especially the Arabic language, which is the language of the Qur'aan - in which this Book was sent and by which the Muslims worship their Lord; in their Prayer, their rites of Pilgrimage, their forms of remembrances and glorifications, etc. From this is the encouragement of destructive propaganda that fights against [the usage and learning] of the Arabic language and attempts to weaken the conformity to it in the Muslim lands. They do this by calling to using colloquialism, and by arranging numerous studies that intend to "develop" grammar in order to corrupt it, as well as formalizing folk literature and matters of national heritage.

4 - Development of western universities and missionary schools in Muslim countries and also initiating the role of kindergarten and playschools, hospitals and clinics which serve as dens and nests for their evil aims. They encourage the higher classes to study in them, after which they help them to acquire posts of leadership and high position, until they become an aid for their teachers in following their plots and plans in the Muslim lands.

5 - The attempt to control education curriculae in Muslim lands and drawing out their politics, either directly, as occurred in some Muslim countries when the priest Dunlop undertook that task there, or by indirect methods. When the task was undertaken, most of the successful students who studied in Dunlop's schools and graduated from them, arose as a destructive pickaxe in their country, or as one of the enemies' most lethal weapons. [Such students] strive hard to influence the educational curriculum and steer it towards secularism, an ideology that does not center on having faith (eemaan) in Allâh and His Messenger, but rather steers towards aetheism, or towards immorality and corruption.

6 - The large number of individuals amongst the jews and christians who have undertaken the study of Islâm, Arabic language, compiling books, and taking positions of teaching in universities, until they created an ideological turmoil and confusion amongst the educated Muslims - which they hurl at those they are teaching, or with which they fill their books. This happened to such an extent that some of those books became source-works which later writers and researchers refer to in matters of ideology or history. Many people who were responsible for creating some of these [ideological] turmoil in the Muslim countries, were actually Muslims who graduated at the hands of such people. The praise and awe, which surrounded such graduates, helped them to achieve this, as well as achieve their posts and positions, such as important posts in teaching and leadership. So they completed what their teachers had initiated [of corruption] and fulfilled what they [the teachers] could not achieve, because these students were offspring of Muslims; from the same skin, ascribing themselves to them and speaking their tongue -and Allâh's help is sought.

7 - A large number of missionary workers, calling to christianity, have gone forth amongst the Muslims performing their work upon them. [Such missionary activities are based upon] well studied principles, and upon a large scale, employing hundreds of thousands of men and women. Huge financial budgets are set aside for this task, and [they are aided in such a way that] their task is made easier and obstacles are removed for them.

"They want to extinguish the Light [the Religion] of Allâh with their mouths, but Allâh will bring His Light to perfection and completion, even though the disbelievers hate it." [Soorah as-Saff 61:8]

Just as the efforts of the missionaries are set up and aimed mostly at the common levels, then the efforts of the orientalist are drected at the educated - as I previously mentioned. The missionaries take on huge hardships in their work in the African countries, and in the remote villages of the far extreme Muslim lands, in eastern Asia. After that, every so often, they hold conferences in order to review their accounts and their plans; then they analyse, adjust and implement. They met in Cairo in 1906, in Edinburgh in 1910, in Lucknow (India) in 1911, and in Jurusalam in 1935, and they continue to hold such assemblies, seminars and conferences - so glory be to Allâh, the One in Whose Hand is the sole sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to Him return all affairs.

8 - Spreading corruption in the Muslim societies; belittling the status of women as regards their role in life, making her transgress the limits that Allâh has set for her, causing her to be satisfaction with abstaining from the [correct] Path. They do this by spreading propaganda amongst the Muslims in various ways and manners, so that women [are encouraged to] freely mix with men, and so that women [are encouraged to] work in the places of men. By this, they aim to corrupt the Muslim society, and to put an end to the chastity and purity, which is found therein. Additionally, they bring up imaginary issues and false propaganda - claiming that Islâm oppresses women, and that Muslim women have very little rights. They want to take her out of her home and put her wherever they may want, even though the limits that Allâh has set are clear, as are His commands [concerning these matters], and as is the Sunnah of His Messenger sallAllâhu 'alayhi wa sallam. Allâh the Most High said:

"O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women to draw their over-garment over their entire body. That will be better, that they should be known, so as not to be harassed. And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful" [Soorah al-Ahzaab 33:59]

Allâh the Exalted said:

"And let the Believing women draw their head-scarves over their chests, and not to display their beauty, except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons..." [Soorah an-Noor 24:31]

And He says:

"And when you ask them for something, ask them from behind a screen; that is purer for your hearts and their hearts" [Soorah al-Ahzaab 33:53]

And Allâh the Exalted said:

"And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of pre-Islâmic ignorance." [Soorah al-Ahzaab 33:33]

The Prophet sallAllâhu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Beware of entering into the company of women." A man from the Ansaar said: "O Messenger of Allâh, what about the husband's brothers and relatives?" He replied: "The husband's brothers and relatives are death!" [Related by al-Bukhaaree (9/289) and Muslim (no.2172), from Uqbah ibn Aamir radiAllâhu anhu]

He sallAllâhu 'alayhi wa sallam also said: "A man is not alone in the company of a woman, except that the third of them is shaytaan." [Saheeh: Related by at-Tirmidhee (no.1181) and Ibn Hibbaan (no.282), from Jaabir radiallahu anhu. It was declared to be saheeh by al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah (no.430).]

9 - The building of churches and temples in the Muslim lands and spending great amounts of wealth on them: beautifying them, making them very conspicuous and noticeable, and building them in the largest and the best locations.

10 - Radio stations set up solely for the purpose of calling to christianity and communism, spreading their [false] objectives.

They intend to misguide, through such false ideas, the children of the innocent and naive Muslims - who neither understand, nor did they receive a sufficient Islâmic education. This is the case, in particular, in Africa where the Bible is published and distributed in many hotels, etc. [They also] send missionary and other publications containing falsehood to many of the Muslim children.

These are some of the means utilized by the enemies of Islâm today - from the east and the west - in waging war against the Muslim's thought, in order to put an end to correct and righteous thought, so that they are replaced by [false and] foreign ideas; whether eastern or western. And - O noble reader - as you can see, these means involve tremendous efforts, enormous amounts of money and a multitude of soldiers. All of this is done in order to take the Muslims away from Islâm, even if they do not actually embrace christianity, judaism or socialism. Since their primary goal in doing this is to take the Muslims away from Islâm, so that when this stage is achieved, whatever [misguidance] follows becomes far easier to implement.

However, despite all this, we say that Allâh will frustrate them in their hopes and will nullify their plans, but only if the Muslims are sincere in their fight against them, alert to their plans and obedient and upright upon their Religion. Allâh said:

"But if you remain patient and become pious and obedient to Allâh, their plots will not harm you in the least. Indeed Allâh encompasses all that they do" [Soorah Aal-Imraan 3:120]

Since they are spreaders of corruption, Allâh will not give total facilitation to their actions. Rather Allâh the Most High said:

"They plot and plan, and Allâh plans, and indeed Allâh is the best of planners" [Soorah al-Anfaal 8:30]

Allâh the Most Perfect said:

"Indeed they are planning a plan, but I am planning a plan, but give a respite to the disbelievers; deal gently with them for a while." [Soorah at-Taariq 86:15-17]

Allâh the Mighty and Majestic said:

"O you who Believe! If you help the cause of Allâh, He will help you and plant your feet firmly." [Soorah Muhammad 47:7] [Imaam as-Sam'aanee said whilst explaining this verse in his Tafseer (5/170): "If you help the Prophet of Allâh, or the Religion of Allâh, then Allâh will help you." And the help (nusrah) from Allâh implies His protection and guidance. Qataadah said: Whoever helps Allâh, He will help him; and whoever asks Allâh, He will give him. And it is said [that it means]: He will help you by giving you victory and dominance over your enemies."]

Allâh, the One free from every imperfection, said:

"And indeed Allâh will help those who help His Cause. Truly, Allâh is Most-Powerful, Most-Mighty. Those who, if We give them power and authority in the land, establish the salaah (Prayer), give the zakaah, command the good and forbid the evil. And with Allâh rests the end of all affairs." [Soorah al-Hajj 22:40-41] [Commenting upon this verse, Imaam ash-Shanqeetee said in Adwaa ul-Bayaan (7/104-105): "So in the saying of Allâh, the Exalted:

"Those who, if We give them power and authority in the earth, there is a proof that there is no promise of Allâh's help, except by establishing the Salaah (Prayer), paying the Zakaah, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil. So it is these whom Allâh will establish upon the earth and by whom He will strengthen His Word. However, those who do not establish the Salaah (Prayer), nor pay the Zakaah, nor enjoin the good, nor forbid the evil, then there is no promise that Allâh will aid them or grant them victory. They are not from His party, nor are they His friends; those who have the promise of His help and victory. Rather, they are the party of Shaytaan and his friends. So if they were to expect the help of Allâh and the fulfillment of His promise upon them, then their example would be like that of a hired worker who refuses to do the job that he was hired for, yet he still expects to be rewarded. So whosoever is like this, then he has no intellect!"]

And there are many verses carrying this same meaning. Thus, without a doubt, the matter requires the Muslims to have some sense of awareness and contemplation [Please Read Note 8]. There should be some study about the course of action that should be undertaken and about the most suitable stance they should take. They should be heedful and have some awareness that will make them capable of understanding the schemes of their enemies, and have an active program for rendering them futile. [Please Read Note 9] This shall not be accomplished for them except byadhering to Allâh, adherence to His guidance, returning to Him, repenting to Him and seeking His aid. Additionally, we should bear in mind His guidance in everything, especially His guidance with regard to the relationship that the Believers should have with the unbelievers, and we should understand [the soorah]:

"Say O unbelievers!..." [Soorah al-Kaafiroon]

Also what Allâh, the Most High, mentions in His statements:

"Never will the jews and the christians be pleased with you until you follow their way of life" [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:120]

"And they will not stop fighting you, until they turn you back from your Religion, if they are able." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:217]

I ask Allâh, the Most High, that He grants right guidance to this ummah with regards their affairs, that He grants protection to it from the plots of its enemies, and that He grants it firmness and obedience, both in speech and action, so that there can be for them might, strength and honor as Allâh desires for them. Indeed He is the One having power over this. And may Allâh extol and send His blessings of peace upon our Prophet Muhammad; and upon his Family, his Companions, and those who follow them.


NOTE 1 (Up) :

Shaykh Muhammad Ameen ash-Shanqeetee, rahimahullaah, said in his valuable Qur’aanic commentary, Adwaa ‘ul-Bayaan (3/72-73): “Allâh the Exalted explains in this noble verse that He never changes the blessings and well-being of a people unless they change themselves by turning away from the obedience of Allâh, the Mighty and Majestic. So the meaning [of the verse] is, that the blessings which a nation receives will not be removed from them unless they change what they are upon with regards to obedience and righteous action. This meaning has been explained at another place; such as His saying:

“This is because Allâh will never change the favour which He has bestowed upon a people until they change themselves.” [Soorah al-Anfaal 8:53]

And His saying: “And whatever of misfortunes befalls you, it is because of what your own hands have earned. Yet Allâh pardons much.” [Soorah ash-Shooraa 42:30]

So in the noble verse: “until they change themselves,” there is an affirmation that if only some people were to change themselves; as occurred on the day [of the battle] of Uhud, when the archers changed themselves - then because of it, all of them could be struck with a calamity. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was once asked: Would we be destroyed, even though there are righteous people amongst us? He replied: ‘Yes, when evil becomes widespread.’

And Allâh the Exalted knows best.”

NOTE 2 (Up) : 

Shaykh Ibn Baaz, rahimahuullah, was asked in Majmoo’ Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah (3/68-69) to comment upon the view: That this is the time to unify the various Islâmic groups in order to strive against the enemies of Islâm and that this is not the time to criticize the various groups, methodologies or ways, such as the soofees, or others. He responded by saying: “There is no doubt that it is obligatory upon the Muslims to unify their ranks and to unite their word upon the truth and to co-operate in goodness and piety against the enemies of Islâm; as Allâh, the Most Perfect, ordered them with in His saying: “And hold fast altogether to the rope of Allâh and do not become divided.” [Soorah Aal ‘Imraan 3:102]

Likewise, Allâh has warned the Muslims against splitting-up, as occurs in His, the Most Perfect’s saying: “And do not be like those who differed and split-up after the clear evidences came to them.” [Soorah Aal‘Imraan 3:105]

However, the order to unify the Muslims and unite their word upon the truth and to hold fast to the rope of Allâh, does not mean they should not censure wrong beliefs and practices - whether from the soofees or other than them. Rather, what the order to hold fast to the rope of Allâh necessitates is to order the good, forbid the evil, and to clarify the truth with the clear Sharee’ah proofs to whosoever is misguided or has a mistaken opinion; until they unite upon the truth and turn away from that which opposes it. All of this is included in His, the Most Perfect’s saying:

“And help you one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression.” [Soorah al-Maa’idah 5:2]

And His, the Most Perfect’s saying: “Let there arise from amongst you a group of people calling to all that is good, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, they are the ones who are successful.” [Soorah Aal ‘Imraan 3:110]

So if the people of truth withhold from clarifying the mistakes of those who have erred or are mistaken, then they will not have achieved that which Allâh ordered them with, as regards calling to goodness, ordering the good and forbidding the evil. The person in error will remain upon his error, and the one acting in opposition to the truth will remain upon his mistake. And this is contrary to what Allâh, the Most Perfect, prescribed as regards sincere advice, co-operation upon goodness, ordering the good and forbidding the evil; and Allâh alone is the One who grants success.”

The Shaykh, rahimahuullah, was also asked about the view: We should unite upon that which we agree and we should excuse each other in that which we differ. Shaykh Ibn Baaz replied by saying (3/58): “Indeed, the answer to this is yes, it is obligatory that we co-operate with one another in that which we agree, as regards aiding the truth, calling to it and warning against what Allâh and His Messenger have prohibited. As for excusing each other in that which we differ, this is not to be applied unrestrictedly, rather it has certain details. As regards issues of Ijtihaad in which the evidences are subtle, then it is obligatory not to rebuke each other. As for what opposes a text of the Book or the Sunnah, then it is obligatory to correct the one opposing the text, but with wisdom, beautiful admonition and arguing in ways that are best; acting upon the saying of Allâh the Exalted:

“And help you one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression.” [Soorah al-Maa’idah 5:2]

“The Believers - men and women - are friends and protectors, one to another; ordering the good and forbidding the evil.” [Soorah at-Tawbah 9:71]

“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful admonition and argue with them in ways that are better.” [Soorah an-Nahl 16:125].”

NOTE 3 (Up):

The following words were endorsed by Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez bin Baaz, as occurs in al-Furqaan magazine (no.77; p.14): “We see that the various Islâmic groups present today do not leave being in one of three categories:

Firstly: Those groups that are firmly established upon the creed (‘aqeedah) of the Pious Predecessors (Salafus-Saalih) - in beliefs, methodology and action. Such groups should be aided, helped and supported. They should be thanked for the good that they do and be promoted; just as it is upon us to sincerely advise them when they err and commit mistakes. Secondly: Those groups that do not have a clear ‘aqeedah, nor a clear methodology that they adhere to, nor do they submit to the understanding of the Salafus-Saalih and to the Sharee’ah texts. Our stance with regards to them is to sincerely advise them, along with the Sharee’ah proofs and evidences, with gentleness, wisdom and beautiful manners - in accordance with the saying of Allâh, the Most High: “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and with beautiful admonition and argue with them in ways that are better.” [Soorah an-Nahl 16:125]

Thirdly: Those groups that are established upon opposing and fighting Ahl usSunnah wai-Jamaa’ah. whether openly or secretly, spreading innovations and deviations. Our stance towards them is one of warning against their evil and exposing their falsehood with every means that the Sharee’ah permits.”

The Shaykh, rahimahumullah, was asked (7/120-121): Teach us O noble Shaykh, how to unravel the discord that is happening in this time with regards to the groups; such as Jamaa’atut-Tableegh, Jamaa’at lkhwaan, Salafees, and others. Each group claims: We are the ones who are correctly following the Sunnah. So who from these groups is correct and who should we follow? We hope that you will mention their names. He replied by saying: “The group which is obligatory to follow and whose methodology should be traversed, are the people of the Straight Path; the people who follow the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; those who follow the Book and the Sunnah. They are those who call to the Book of Allâh and to the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, in both statement and action. As for other groups, no one should follow them, except in that which agrees to the truth; whether it is the group Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon, Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh, Ansaarus-Sunnah, or those that call themselves Salafees, or Jamaa’atul-Islâmiyyah, or Ahlul-Hadeeth; as well as any other group that calls itself by any other name. So they are to be obeyed and followed in that which is the truth; and the truth is that which is established by a proof. Whatever opposes the proof is rejected and it is said to them: You are mistaken in this. Thus, it is obligatory to agree with them in that which agrees with a noble Verse, a noble Hadeeth, or a consensus (Ijmaa’) from the Pious Predecessors of the urnmah ... These groups contain truth and falsehood, they are not infallible; rather each of them is fallible. However, the truth is what is established by a proof from the Book of Allâh, the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam or a consensus of the Pious Predecessors of the ummah, whatever group it is from.”

The Shaykh also said in an interview, recorded on the 6th day of Dhul-Hijjah 1416H; corresponding to the 24th of April 1996 CE:

“We advise them all to unite upon a single way and that is the way of seeking knowledge and attaining understanding of the Book and the Sunnah, proceeding along the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. I advise them all that their goal should be to follow the Book and the Sunnah and to proceed upon the way of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, and that they should all call themselves Ahlus-Sunnah or the followers of the Pious Predecessors. But as for bigoted allegiance for the Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen, or Jamaa’atut-Tableegh, or so on, then I do not advise this; it is a mistake. Instead, we advise them that they should be together upon a single way, a single group (jamaa’ah), advising one another with the truth and having allegiance to Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. This is the correct way to prevent differences.

NOTE 4 (Up):

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidhahullaah, said in Maraaji'aat fee Fiqhil-Waaqi' (p.45):

"So splitting-up and there being many [differing] groups and parties is from the plots against this ummah, made by the shaytaans from amongst mankind and the jinn. Thus the unbelievers and the hypocrites have never ceased, since olden times, injecting their poison in order to split the ummah. The jews previously said:

"And a party of the People of the Book say: Believe in the morning in that which is revealed to the Muslims, but reject it at the end of the day, so they may turn back." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:72]

Meaning that the Muslims will leave their Religion, when they see you leaving it.

Likewise, the hypocrites said: "Do not spend upon those who are with Allâh's Messenger, until they desert him." [Soorah al-Munaafiqoon 63:7]

"And as for those who erect a mosque by way of disbelief, seeking to harm and disunite the Believers." [Soorah at-Tawbaa 9:107].

NOTE 5 (Up):

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked in Muntaqaa min Fataawaa (1/417, no.249):

As regards the dangers that the ummah of Islâm faces from every direction, then what are the greatest of these dangers and what is the path to be taken in order to prevent these dangers?

He replied: "The greatest danger that faces the ummah of Islâm is their being far away from the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; and replacing them with man-made laws and deviated ideologies. Likewise, the greatest danger that faces the Ummah of Islâm is the misguidance and deviation concerning the creed ('aqeedah) and the infiltration of concepts of unbelief (kufr), shirk and innovations into it from the grave-worshippers and the soofees. Similarly, from the greatest danger that faces the ummah of Islâm is their splitting-up and enmity between themselves. The cure for this is to return back to the Book and the Sunnah; learning them, teaching them, judging by them between people and adopting what they require of morals, manners and character."

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan also said in Muntaqaa min Fataawaa (1/416-417, no.248): "The most prominent issues which require the Muslims to take a stance on in these times are:- the ignorance concerning the creed ('aqeedah) of tawheed which many of those who ascribe to Islâm have; adherence to those ideologies and ways that oppose Islâm; and the ideological attack (alghazwa al-fikree) that comes from the lands of the unbelievers and is directed at the Islâmic lands. Each of these issues requires a firm stance and a powerful refutation. This is done by explaining the correct Islâm; along with its creed and its wisely prescribed Laws, and by warning against all that opposes it - from defective teaching methods - as well as [utilizing] the media and by spreading beneficial books."

NOTE 6 (Up):

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked (1/419; no.252): Indeed the enemies of the Religion have embarked upon a well-calculated project, such that one of their senior devils said that by the year 2000CE all of Africa will be beaming with christianity! So why don't the Muslims undertake a similar sort of project?

The Shaykh, rahimahuullah, responded by saying:

"Allâh, the Mighty and Majestic, said: "It will not be in accordance with your wishful thinking, nor the wishful thinking of the People of the Book; whoever works evil will have the recompense thereof, and he will not find any protector or helper besides Allâh." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:123]

Thus when the People of the Book say: We will achieve such and such, or we will be victors over such and such of mankind, then this does not harm us, nor do we despair, nor do we become inactive. Rather, this spurs us on and motivates us to act, persist and strive hard in calling (da'wah) to Allâh, the Most Perfect, the Most High. Allâh said:

"If you patiently persevere and have piety [i.e. by doing what is commanded and keeping away from what is prohibited], not the least harm will their schemes and plots be to you." [Soorah Aal-Imraan 3:120]

And they say things greater than this! They say:

"None shall enter Paradise except if he be a jew or a christian. This is their own wishful thinking. Say: Produce your proof if you are truthful." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:111]

So now [they make] Paradise inaccessible! Is this the saying of a sensible person? Indeed, Allâh the Mighty and Majestic refutes them in His saying:

"Indeed, whoever submits himself to Allâh and does good deeds [purely for Allâh], upon such there will be no fear, nor shall they grieve." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:112]

And Allâh the Exalted said:

"It will not be in accordance with your wishful thinking, nor the wishful thinking of the People of the Book; whoever works evil will have the recompense thereof, and he will not find any protector or helper besides Allâh." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:123]

And they say things even greater than that! They said to Moses: "And show us Allâh in public!" [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:153]

So they say this, and they say that. They have claims and sayings - and Allâh's aid is sought from being intimidated. However, all of it is thrown back upon their faces and it will not harm the people who have faith at all, as long as the people of fith remain firm, prepare, and not give up at this crucial time. At present we see the christians spending their wealth, building buildings and schools, and sending troops and followers, but they triumph over a small number of people. Whereas we see many people accepting Islâm without a single person doing da'wah to them without anything. They become Muslims either by seeing the teachings of Islâm, or merely hearing the Qur'aan when it is recited, or by merely reading about Islâm. This is the case despite the fact that the Muslims are lazy. Where is Islâm to be seen upon them. So how would it be if the Muslims were to strive hard in calling [people] to Allâh, and manifesting the goodness of Islâm - beginning with oneself first, becoming an example for others, and painting a correct picture of Islâm. Some of the christians say: We spend so many millions, but they gain only one follower, whereas thousands accept Islâm without the Muslims spending even a single penny.

So the truth is clear, and all praise is for Allâh. However, the truth requires people to carry it. Indeed, the truth is like a sword; if a courageous man carries it correctly, he will not be stopped, even in the face of the enemy. But a sword, if there is no hand to wield it, then it will not be of any benefit.

ii. This necessitates cultivating and being cultivated upon the whole of the Religion, not just some parts of it to the exclusion of others. Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz said in Majmoo Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwiah (1/346):

"It is upon you to adopt the whole of Islâm, not just to adopt one part and leave the other. Do not adopt the beliefs (aqeedah) but leave the rulings (ahkaam). Do not adopt the rulings, but leave the beliefs. Rather, take the whole of Islâm; take the aqeedah, the rulings, the worship, the jihaad, the social matters, the politics, the economics, and all the rest. Accept it all, as Allâh the Most Perfect said:

"O you who Believe! Enter into Islâm completely, and do not follow the footsteps of Shaytaan, because he is to you a clear enemy." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:203]

Shaykhul-Islâm Ibn Taymiyyah, rahimahuilaah, said in Majmoo Fataawaa (3/421):

"Whenever people abandon a part of what Allâh has commanded them with, this causes enmity and hatred to arise between them."

NOTE 7 (Up):

It is appropriate here to address some of the allegations that continue to be leveled against the Shaykh, rahimahuullah, with regards to his verdict (fatwaa) about the peace treaty with the jews which, even though it was first published in al-Muslimoon newspaper on the 21st of Rajab 1415H, certain misconceptions still continue to be circulated about it.

From them:

1. The fatwaa implied that there should be love and allegiance between the Muslims and jews.

2. It implied that Palestine should remain permanently in the hands of the jews.

3. It implied that the educational curricular in the Muslim lands should be altered so as not to offend or antagonize the jews.

4. It required that all of the Muslim world abide by the treaty.

5. It stated that the peace treaty be permanent and ever-lasting.

The following are extracts taken from a clarification made by the Shaykh two months after the initial fatwaa, which was published in at-Tawheed magazine (vol.23; no.10):

"A peace treaty with the jews does not imply having love for them, or taking them as friends and allies Rather it only means peace between the two sides and that each of them will not harm the other, as well as other things such as buying and selling, exchanging ambassadors, and other dealings which do not mean love for the unbelievers or taking them as friends and allies. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam established a peace treaty with the people of Makkah, and that did not mean that they loved them or took them as friends and allies. Rather, the enmity and hatred remained between them until Allah facilitated the conquest of Makkah, in the year of the Conquest; and the people entered Allâh's Religion in multitudes ..."

"So all of this shows that peace treaties and truces do not necessitate love, friendship and affection for the enemies of Allâh - as is thought by some of those who have scant knowledge of the Shareeah rulings. Thus it will be clear to the questioner and others, that peace with the jews, or other unbelievers, does not mean that we change the educational curriculae, nor any other dealings related to love and allegiance; and Allâh alone grants success.

"The peace between the Muslim leaders of Palestine and the jews does not mean that the jews will permanently possess the lands that they possess now. Rather, it only means that they will be in possession of them for a period of time, until either the truce expires, or until the Muslims become strong enough to force them out of the Muslim lands - in the case of an unrestricted peace. Likewise, when we have the ability, it is obligatory to fight the jews until they enter into Islâm, or until they give the jizyah (a tax levied from those non-Muslims who are permitted to live under the protection of the Muslim state) in servility ..."

"The peace between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the jews does not necessitate what the questioner mentioned with regards to the rest of the countries. Rather each country sees what is beneficial. So if it sees that it is beneficial for the Muslims in its land to have peace with the jews and to exchange ambassadors and to engage in trade and dealings that are deemed to be lawful by the pure Sharee'ah of Allâh, then this is alright. However, if it sees that the benefit for it and its people lies in cutting-off from the jews, then it should act as the Shareeah requires and benefit necessitates."

"So all of this is when one is unable to fight the unbelievers, or to make them give the jizyah - if they are from the People of the Book (ahlul-kitaab). However, when one does have the ability to wage jihaad against them, then what is required is to call them to enter into Islâm, or to be fought against, or to pay the jizyah if they are from its people. So in this case it is not permissible to seek peace with them, nor to abandon fighting, nor the jizyah.

Rather, seeking peace is allowed when there is a need or necessity; when you are unable to fight them, or unable to enforce the jizyah upon them, if they are from its people ..."

A Final Point: The Shaykh issued this fatwaa seeking to safeguard the Religion, life and property of the Muslims in the best possible manner taking into consideration the attendant circumstances in that particular region, as well as the associated benefits and harms. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said in a hadeeth reported by al-Bukhaaree (13/318) and Muslim (no.1716): "When a judge strives and judges and is correct, he receives two rewards. If he strives and judges but errs, he receives a single reward." 

Thus it is hoped that what has been quoted from the words of the Shaykh suffices as a clarification for any misunderstandings and allegations. So - O fair-minded reader - let this be considered!

NOTE 8 (Up):

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen said in an interview recorded in Makkah, on Friday the 16 th of Dhul-Hijjah; 1416H:

"In reality, understanding the state of affairs (fiqhul-waaqi') is something essential, and judgment about the affairs cannot be passed except by understanding it and understanding the current situation.... But making this means, which is fiqhul-waaqi' (understanding the state of affairs), the actual foundation, reducing the importance of gaining understanding (fiqh) of the Religion, about which he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever Allâh intends to show goodness to, He grants him the understanding of the Religion" [Reported by al-Bukhaaree] then this is a mistake ...

So we hold that pre-occupying the youths away from seeking knowledge of Allâh's Religion and replacing this with fiqhul-waaqi' and a careful study of magazines, newspapers, news broadcasts, and their like, we hold that this is an error in the methodology (manhaj), not an error in intentions. Yet you must know the situation, and a person cannot be removed from what occurs in the Islâmic ummah and the plots that are made against it.

The Shaykh, rahimahuullah, further said: "As I have said, there must be an understanding of the present state of affairs, each individual according to his level. The level of the young is not like that of the elders, since the young may behave rashly and their strength and enthusiasm is something that may not be safe, or properly channeled. But there must be an understanding of the situation. What is wrong, however, is that fiqhul-waaqi' is given precedence over gaining fiqh of knowledge; this is what is meant. Thus, if the youths turned towards attaining knowledge and gaining fiqh of Allâh's Religion - such as explanation (tafseer) of Allâh's Speech, explanation of the ahaadeeth of the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and an understanding of the words of the scholars in elucidation of them - then this would be good.

NOTE 9 (Up):

So all of this is an essential part of being concerned with the affairs of the Muslims, about which the following hadeeth is often quoted:

"Whoever does not have concern for the affairs of the Muslims, is not from them."

This, as well as other hadeeth with similar wordings, have been reported by al-Haakim (4/317), at-Tabaraanee in as-Sagheer (p.188), and others.

However, these narrations are all either weak (da'eef), as is the case above, or fabricated (mawdoo'). A detailed discussion of their weakness has been furnished by Shaykh al-Albaanee in ad-Da'eefah (nos.309-312).

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, hafidhahullaah. said when asked about the authenticity of the above hadeeth, in Sahwatul-Islâmiyyah (pp.104-105; no.4):

"This is from those ahaadeeth that are well known amongst the people. But I do not know whether its wording is authentically related from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, or not. However, its meaning is correct. Since if a person does not have concern for the affairs of the Muslims, he is in reality, deficient in Islâm. Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, in that which is authentically related from him:

"The example of the Believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion is like the example of a single body; when one part of the body feels pain, the rest of it suffers in sleeplessness and fever."

And he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "The Believer to another Believer is like a single building, one part supporting the other."

So these two ahaadeeth are similar in meaning to this well-known hadeeth.





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