Domestic Violence
you can do:
- Know that Allah has given women the right to be respected and that abuse
has no place in Islam.
- Educate yourself on this subject to help yourself become strong and get
out of your abusive situation or help others that you know are being abused.
- Take others serious if they confide in you about their problems and get
- Ask your Mosque/Islamic center to provide support for people who are being
abused, to provide lectures on this subject.
- Let your family/friends know that you're being abused; keeping silent about
it will only help the abuser and not you!
- In a crisis,always call the emergencynumber.
- Turn to Allah for help....without Him we are lost.

Male or Female: Pieces of the Same Puzzle
A Commentary on The Qur'an 4:34
Wife Abuse in the Muslim Community
The Many Faces of Domestic Violence
Ending Domestic Violence in Muslim Families
Is wife beating allowed in Islam?
What Makes a True Man
Causes [of Nushooz] That Can Be Traced Back to the Husband Himself or His Friends
Muslim Women, Domestic Violence and the Role of Education and Awareness Programs
Domestic Violence hurts Muslims too: Stop the Hurt Now
Islamic View of Emotional Abuse in Marital Life
Domestic Violence A Global Phenomenon
Help for Abusers!!:
My Abusive Attitude
Stories of Abuse:
Zahida Parveen
WARNING: photo included of the mutalated face of
Zahida Parveen
Mukhtar Mai
How to Recognize Abuse:
What is Abuse?
Signs of Verbal and Emotional Abuse
How to Get Out:
Safety Plan
Get Help:
Muslim Women's Help Line - UK
Baitul Salaam Network - Atlanta, USA - USA/Canada
Muslim Women's League
Website of Mukhtar Mai
Progressive Woman Association Pakistan
Dr. Irene [non-Muslim site, lots of info on abuse and how to get out]
The Narcissistic Personality Disorder [non-Muslim site - lots of articles on NPD]