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The Benefits of Tawheed

The Benefits of Tawheed
 The Excellence of Tawheed
Shaikh Muhammad bin Jameel Zainoo
 (Translated by Abu Nasir)
The Benefits of Tawheed:

When pure tawheed is actualised in the life of an individual or the society it produces the best of results. From its results are the following:


1) Liberation of mankind from worship and submission to other than Allaah. The creation cannot create anything, rather they themselves are created. They are not capable of harming nor benefiting their souls. They are not capable of causing death nor giving life nor are they able to resurrect the dead. So tawheed liberates man from every worship, except to his Lord, the One Who created him and then proportioned hini. It liberates his intelligence from deviation and delusions.


It liberates his mind from obedience, humility and submission to other than Allaah. It liberates his life from the mastery of the rulers, the soothsayers and those who deem themselves divinely appointed over the slaves of Allaah.

Due to this, the leaders of shirk and oppression in the times of ignorance rose up against the call of the Prophets in general and particularly against the call of the Messenger, because of the fact that they understood the meaning of "La ilaaha lila Allaah" to be a universal pronouncement for the liberation of mankind, and the overthrowing of the tyrants from their false thrones, and the elevation of the faces of believers, those who do not prostrate except to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds.


2) The personality remains balanced. Tawheed aids the formation of a balanced personality, the preferred aim and direction of this life, and it unifies and consolidates its purpose. So the personality does not turn except to the only One worthy of worship, and it turns to Him in private and in open and it calls to him in private and in open, and it calls upon Him in ease and in adversity. As opposed to the Mushrik (pagan) who shares his heart between those who are worshipped besides Allaah, at times he turns to the living and at times he turns to the dead, and Yusuf said:


Oh my two companions of the prison, are many different lords better, or Allaah, the One, the Irresistible? [12:39]


So, the believer worships One Lord, he knows what is pleasing to Him and what is displeasing to Him, lie stops at whatever pleases Him and his heart becomes calm.

As for the Mushrik, lie worships numerous deities, one he takes from here and another he takes from there and he is divided between them and he has no comfort.

3) Tawheed is the source of security for the people, because it fills the soul of the individual with peace and satisfaction. He does not fear anyone except Allaah and tawheed blocks the ways to fear of loss in provisions, the soul and the family, fear from mankind, inn, death and other than that from those things which are feared.

The believer who worships Allaah alone. does not fear anyone except Him and because of this he feels secure whilst the rest of mankind fear and he feels satisfaction whilst the people are restless. This is the meaning that is indicated in the Qur'aan in His saying:

Those who believe and do not mix their belief with dhulm, they are those upon whom is security and they are the rightly guided.[6:82]

This security emerges from the innermost depths of the soul and not from any police guard which is the security of this world. As for the security of the Hereafter, then it is greater and more lasting for those who are sincere to Allaah and do not mix their tawheed with shirk, because shirk is a great dhulm.

4) Tawheed is the source for the strengthening of the soul, because it gives an individual a strong and formidable mental attitude, by which he fills his soul with hope in Allaah, confidence in Allaah and reliance upon Allaah, pleasure with His Decree, gives him patience upon His Tests and freedom from reliance upon the creation. This individual is firmly established, like the mountains, and when a calamity befalls him he asks his Lord to remove it and not the dead. The Prophet (sas) indicated this in his saying: "When you ask, then ask Allaah and when you seek help, then seek help from Allaah alone. " [Hasan Sahih – Tirmidhi]

If Allaah touches you with harm, none can remove it except Him."[6:17]


5) Tawheed is the foundation of brotherhood and equality, because it does not permit following those who take others as lords besides Allaah, since worship is for Allaah alone and worship to Allaah alone must be from all of mankind, and the head of them is Muhammad (sas) His Messenger and His chosen one.

The Excellence of Tawheed:

1) Allaah the Most High says:

Those who believe and do not mix their belief with dhulm, they are those upon whom is security and they are the rightly guided. [6:82]

From 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, who said: When this verse was revealed, some Muslims began to grieve, and said: 'Which of us does not do dhulm (oppression) to his soul?' The Messenger of Allaah said: "It is not that, verily it is shirk, have you not heard the saying of Luqmaan to his son:

Oh my Son! Do not make shirk with Allaah. Verily, shirk is a great dhulm. [31:13] [Bukhari & Muslim]

This verse gives glad tidings to the believers, those who single out Allaah alone for worship, those who do not mix their belief with shirk. Rather, they are far from it, they have complete security from the punishment of Allaah in the Hereafter and they are the rightly guided in this world.

2) The Prophet (saw) said: "Imaan consists of sixty something branches, the highest of them is the saying 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah; and the lowest of them is to remove something harmful from the road." [Muslim]

3) Shaikh 'Abdullaah Khayaat mentions in his book entitled Daleel ul-Muslim Fil I'tiqaad wat-Tat-heer. "Because of the human nature of man and due to his lack of infallibility, his feet slip and he falls into disobedience to Allaah. When he is from the people of tawheed, pure from the blemishes of shirk, and he singles out Allaah alone for worship, and he is sincere in saying 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah' it becomes the greatest factor for his happiness and an expiation for his sins and an elimination of his evil deeds, as has come in the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah: " Whoever testifies that none has the right to he worshipped except A llaah, alone without any partners and that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger and that 'Eesaa is a slave of Allaah, and a Word delivered to Maryam and a Spirit from Him, and that Paradise is true and the Fire is true, Allaah will enter him into Paradise in accordance to his deeds." [Bukhari & Muslim]

Verily, 'Laa ilaaha illa Allaah', the testification that the Muslim testifies with, is the foundation necessary for his entrance into Paradise, the place of comfort, even if some of his actions had defects and shortcomings. As has come in the hadeeth Qudsee, Allaah, the Most High, says: "O Son of Aadam, verily If you were to come to Me with the equivalent of the earth full ofmistakes and then meet Me without associating partners with Me in anything then Iwould give to you its equivalent amount of Mercy.) [Hasan - Tirmidhi & ad-Diyaa]

Meaning: If one of you came to Me with an equivalent amount of the earth full of sins and disobedience, but you died upon tawheed, then I would forgive your sins.

It is reported from the Prophet that he (saw) said: "Whoever meets Allaah without having associated with Him in anything will enter Paradise and whosoever meets Him associating partners with him in anything will enter the Fire. " [Muslim]


All these narrations clearly show the excellence of tawheed, for it is that by which the happiness of the slave is achieved and the best means for the expiation of his sins and the elimination of his mistakes."





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